The Best Keto Protein Shakes For Weight Loss Diet

The Best Keto Protein Shakes For Weight Loss Diet

March 14, 2023

Protein is a crucial macronutrient that allows your body to repair and regenerate cells. Consuming enough protein in your diet is critical to maintaining and growing muscle. Additionally, protein prolongs our feelings of fullness and offers many health advantages. The ketogenic diet continues to gain popularity worldwide.

The keto diet is a high-fat and low-carb diet with several health benefits. This diet aims to achieve the ideal nutritional balance so your body can switch its fuel source from carbohydrates to fats, turning your body into a fat-burning machine.


Are Whey Protein Shakes Keto-Friendly?

Whey protein is made from dairy by a procedure that leaves behind a concentrated whey protein concentrate after filtering out most milk sugar. All the lactose is eliminated through further filtration to produce whey protein isolate, which contains 90 to 95% protein by weight and has the lowest carbohydrate content of any whey protein. 

Compared to Keto Protein Shakes produced from egg whites, peas, and rice, which frequently contain additional sugars for flavor, whey protein isolate is the finest supplement for keto diets.

Protein powders give your body the protein it needs, while a keto diet can be done very well using protein powder. Protein powder blends with 20–30 grams of protein and 1-2 carbohydrates are ideal for people following a ketogenic diet. While many protein shakes are low-fat, you may easily add fat to your daily drink by blending coconut oil or almonds into a smoothie.


What Types of Food Does Keto-Diet Contain?

There are many ways to “go keto,” but all versions share the common element of carbohydrate restriction. Generally, those on the keto diet reduce their carbohydrate intake to less than 50 grams daily. To put that into perspective, consider that many people not on a ketogenic diet regularly ingest up to 225-325 grams of carbohydrates. 

Here is the general breakdown of calories per day on a ketogenic diet:

  • 70-80% of calories from fat
  • 5-10% of calories from carbohydrates
  • 10-20% of protein

The keto diet restricts protein intake to a moderate level rather than encouraging a more radical rise in protein consumption, as too much protein is thought to impede ketosis.


Where Can I Find The Best Keto Protein Shakes For Weight Loss?

Supreme Labs low-carb Keto Protein Shakes will help you stay satisfied and full while supporting your ketogenic weight management and weight loss goals. Your body naturally stays in ketosis with our chocolate and vanilla keto drinks. They are filled with organic components to support the success of your keto diet. Some of our best-selling products are:

  • KETO SHAKE (Chocolate)
  • KETO SHAKE (Vanilla)
  • KETO SUPER GREENS (Apple Cinnamon)

Our Keto Protein Shakes are nutritious, convenient, and delicious and are an easy way to follow a keto diet. We're proud of our selection of keto shakes, and we know you'll love it too. Join the Supreme Labs Keto Team today and check out our delectable keto apple green and chocolate smoothies!

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